Friday, August 3, 2012

Using Tagged for Your Search (International Mongering)

Remember our goal of FSA is to find a non-professional relationship.  Anyone can find a pay-for-play relationship on the road.  Finding a girlfriend type relationship is the challenge.  For finding that no-strings-attached, erotic, international relationship, Tagged is a great tool.  You can find tagged at   It has about 10,000,000 users of which 64% are female.
First you need to create an account profile on Tagged and this is pretty easy.  Of course you should use your “Alter Ego” name, email, etc.  Your profile details are up to your discretion.  I use a stock photo of a celebrity with looks similar to mine.  A photo will definitely help you to make friends on Tagged.  Once you’ve established your alter ego profile and logged in, it’s time to begin your search.  Your goal is to create a pool of friends from which to choose.  The larger the pool, the more likely you will be successful in finding a handful of potential partners.  I suggest you pare down your choices to 3 to 5 candidates.  Any more and you’ll have a hard time making personal connections because you’ll lose track of details – a lady like to know you are listening to her and remembering what she tells you.  Here’s is how you’ll build your larger pool:
Begin your search in the browse mode by selecting “People”, “Browse”.  You’ll get a large window with a smaller search window on the left side of your screen entitled “BROWSE”. (pictured)  There you can put in your criteria.  In this case I’ve selected Gender: Female, Age: 18-25, Country: Columbia.  This will work for any country in the world.  There is also an option for proximity to cities.  For example I could have searched to find females within 5 kilometers of Bogota.  Obviously the narrower your search, the fewer potential partners identified.
Once you’ve browsed using the “Update” button you will see your choices in 5 columns and as many rows as your search has returned.  From here you can select your potential partners.  In this step in the process, the more friends you can invite, the better because some will respond to you and others will not.  You want to build your pool of potentials and then begin to cull them down to about 5 targets.  Once you see their profile pictures, you’ll know which ones to select.  Be aware though, that the racier photos will probably have more competition for you than the more mild ones.  Select one at a time for a “Mini View”.
Once you’ve selected a mini view you are on the girls profile page and can see some important information.  The two most important pieces of info (on the right hand side of her picture) are “Last Active” (which tells you when she was last on Tagged) and “Profile Views” (which tells you how many people have viewed her profile).  On the left hand side of her picture are your options: “Add to Friends”, “Send Message”, and “Send a Wink”.
I think the best and easiest option is “Add to Friends” .  That simply opens the window to see if she’s at all interested in you.  She’ll either respond positively, negatively, or not at all.  Do this for as many as you want, knowing that not all will accept your friendship.  Use “Send a Message” if you want to flirt with her a bit or get to know her.  I’d use this in conjunction with “Add to Friends”.  If you’re a little more adventurous with a little more time on your hands you can choose “Send a Wink” to electronically flirt with her a bit.  Maybe she’ll ask you to be friends then.
How you move your new found relationships to the next step is up to you.  I recommend transitioning the relationship to regular email and/or an instant messaging system like Yahoo IM.  Some sites will have limitations about sharing your personal contact details so you may have to be a bit cryptic about how you trade info.  My suggestion is to use the same alter ego profile name as your alter ego email address.  For example if your email is then your profile name should be johnsmith1.  That way you can tell her to contact you via email.  “What’s your email?”  “My username at yahoo.”
My experience on Tagged is that you will have more luck in some countries than others.  For me it worked well in Kenya and Columbia; not so well in Mexico.  As for the U.S., you can try but I’m not as confident that you can build a database of ladies as easily as in the developing world.
Have fun building your portfolio of potential girlfriends.  Take it slow.  Be polite and patient.  Don’t ask for too much too soon.  You’ll be rewarded with more girls than you can handle.  Enjoy and may you FSA!

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